Tuesday 16 December 2008

Evaluation Of My Final Piece

The title of my magazine is 'O.M.G'. I chose this title as I have aimed my magazine at younger females and a lot of younger females say the abbreviation of oh my god which is O.M.G. It is a saying said by younger people and mainly females.
I chose the image on my front cover because it is close up photo. It shows only what people want to see. It shows only the face and nothing more which draws attention towards the picture. The person in the person is also looking into the camera which makes it look as if they are looking at the person who is looking at the front cover. It gives the reader a sense that the person on the magazine is there with them and gives them a connection. The girl in my image is smiling because it connects to the story about her. She is making a comeback and is happy about it. Also because it makes the reader smile too. If their favourite celebrity is happy then they are happy.
I used all the main conventions of real media products including a main head, strap line, main flash and main sells. I used these key features as they are the typical features found on a magazine and help to make up the magazine. Without the main head people wouldn't know the name of the magazine. Without the strap line people would presume that my magazine meant oh my god but it doesn't. I took a popular saying and altered it into meaning Original Music Guide. I wanted people to think that it meant that but then realise that it didn't as they read on. Without the main flash people wouldn't know what the main story was about. It would also mean there is a random picture of a celebrity on the front cover. The image and main flash connect each other to each other. Without the main sells people wouldn't know what is inside the magazine and wouldn't know whether the magazine was worth buying and reading.
The images and language I have used suggest that people into pop are interested in bright colours and many abbreviations. The image suggests that people interested in pop like to dress up in clothes with bright colours and colours that clash. The language used suggests that people are like to use abbreviations and words that suggest fun and excitement such as wow.
I think shops such as WHSmiths and local corner shops would stock my magazine because it is a magazine that appeals to a younger audience and the younger audience is at the stage where they ask for things or get pocket money. My magazine is pocket money price and so when they see my magazine they can spend their pocket money on my magazine. Shops would like this because younger children don't understand money and so will spend their money easily.
My magazine is aimed at young females. I chose to aim it at young females because pop is a genre that mainly interests females and young females aged from 4 all the way up to 11. I didn't really think about a race to base my magazine around because it doesn't matter about the race. All races can enjoy pop music and my magazine. I didn't chose to base it on any psycho graphics but if i did i would have chosen to aim it more towards people who feel happy and excited all the time as it would mean they would feel happy and excited about my magazine coming out.
My magazine would attract my audience due to the colours i have used. On the front cover have made the background blue and the writing pink and red which makes them stand out. I have also named my magazine O.M.G which is a saying said by younger children. The image i have used would help attract the audience because I have used an image where the person in the image is looking at the camera which makes the reader feel like they are with the celebrity. The language I have used would also help attract the audience because it is language that the younger audience use so can relate to. This is all backed up when I looked at Top Of The Pops magazine. The front cover has bright colours that clash and the people in the image on the front cover are looking at the camera.
The software I used to create my magazine was Adobe InDesign. I have never used this software before so it took me a while to get used to and was unsure what the buttons were for. Fortunately, the software was able to do all the things I wanted it to do so I didn't have to redesign anything. I also used Adobe Photoshop to edit my images and backgrounds. Using photoshop was OK because I have used photoshop in the past and know how to use it and so I was able to get it to do what I wanted it to do.
Since the preliminary task my designing skills have improved as I had to use other software and use both of the software's to help each other. I have never used Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop together so using them now has helped my designing skills improve. My language use is better as I had to get into the mind of someone who likes pop music and uses words such as o.m.g. I had to try and recreate myself for a while and make sure that it came out while I was writing. I did plan more thoroughly this time as I was having more things to plan. This time round I had to plan a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. I wasn't able to just think about it and do it. I had to plan it and out ti down on paper otherwise I would have forgotten my ideas.
When I was designing my magazine pages, I looked at Mizz magazine and Top Of The Pops magazine to help me with my designing. My research into these magazines showed that popular music artists and bright colours attracted people to buy the magazine. So when I designed my magazine I created an artist who was meant to be really famous and I also included lots of bright colours.

When I showed my pages to my friends they said that they liked the use of colour and the images I chose.

When I printed my pages, on the front cover two different shades of blue have printed. This does not show up on the screen and only on paper.

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